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Danny Nel at the Grahamston national art festival, 2012.

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July 6th, 2012 by cujo

Everyone should experience Festival at least once in their lives, but there are those who make it an annual ritual. Danny Nel, who calls himself a “professional festival-goer,” is one such individual. Dressed in a grey parka, red beanie, comfortable walking shoes and carrying a backpack, he is the picture of someone who knows his way around a festival. His long grey hair is pulled back into a ponytail. He pulls out a wad of tickets, bound together with an elastic band.

Nel has been coming to Grahamstown since 1994; he has been to the Festival every year for 18 years. Averaging five shows per day, Nel usually manages to fit 55 shows into his 11-day visit. He sees about 120 shows a year–not exactly what you would expect from an agricultural economist.

Nel begins by paging through the Festival programme, memorising the shows he would like to see and then doing massive block bookings. For the remainder of his time he fits in what he can, whenever he has time. “I love the coincidence thing,” he said. “Yesterday I went on the CityWalk, because I met someone at Red Café who was going on it. So I went along with her.”

If a show is full he sees it as a challenge to get in, shouting “Ticket!”, at the door. This was how he came to be in one particular Gala concert, where he ended up sitting next to the same man two years in a row. “I’ll see you next year,” they said to each other, parting afterwards.

This Festival is cheaper than others, said Nel, who also attends the Aardklop Festival and the Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees annualy, where shows generally cost R100 each. Compared to Festival, these others are like a young girl. “Grahamstown is more like an old prostitute,” he said. Things are more advanced here, with more chances taken. “Some of the pieces I have seen here would never be shown at an Afrikaans arts festival; there would be an uprising.”

Nel has travelled by bus, car, plane and train and stayed just about everywhere. “I stayed in the Old Gaol for a couple of years; I’ve stayed in hostels, tents, the Fest hotels. This year I’m staying in a digs.”

During his many Festivals, Nel has met many interesting individuals and had countless strange encounters. He recounted the events of a particular evening spent dancing in a tent, surrounded by hippies, and drinking Chai tea by a fire.

“Every year is the best,” he said, “I don’t, I cannot, compare them.”

Kate-Lyn Moore

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Bult Potchefstroom Saterdag 17 Mei 2014

My dag het reeds vroeg begin. 

Ek veg verbete hier op die Bult teen al die giftige plastiek Vure wat  straat kinders en karwagte deur die nag maak. Die Vure word gemaak van die swart sakke vol vullis wat die winkels en drink plekke hier uitsit. Ek bly op die Bult  ruik dit dadelik as dit gemaak word, my keel trek toe en voel of ek nie asem kry nie. So duisende mense word daardeur geraak,  weet dit net nie  want hulle sit nog met jong gesonde longe. 

Vanoggend reeds om 06h00 het Gert, 'n werklose wat hier by Paljas Backpackers lodge bly en uithelp, 'n giftige plastieksak vuur gaan doodgooi teen die toilette naby die Wimpy en reg langs die polisie waentjie.

So terloops. Die polisie sien nie hierdie giftige vure as hulle taak vir optrede nie. Die brandweer  help wel maar met 'n groot gedoente. 

Ek self het vanmiddag laat lekker geoefen by die Virgin Active en vanaand gaan fliek by die  Mooi Rivier Mall. Voel al half skaam daaroor, maar die fliek Konfetti vir die vyfde keer gaan sien. Daar is net iets in daardie fliek wat my vang.

Omtrent so 22h00 op die Bult aangekom, wou cuppacino by die Akker gaan drink  maar hulle was al aan die toemaak.

Kuier vir 15 minute by Manny se groente kafee en praat oor die en dat. Hongaarse paar koop koejawels en pekanneute en sê dat hulle more terug vlieg Europa toe.
'n uitdagende EFF lid met sy rooi overall en Barret koop sigarette.

Ek stap verder na die Wimpy en sien vir Lilly by Varsity shop met haar sambok. Sy jaag die straat kinders weg wat hulle lastig val.

'n Polisie waenjie pronk so 50meter verder op die parkeer terrein met 'n blou lig en al. Dit word 24 uur beman deur 'n paar polisiemanne.

Lilly kla by my oor 'n probleem van mense wat met oop drank bottels rondloop. Sy het dit wel gister oggend by die polisie karretjie gaan aanmeld  maar hulle het net die polisie patrollie gebel.

Daar is 'n groep mense wat rondstaan by 'n kar met oop deure en kattebak. Ongelooflike harde musiek weerklink daaruit. Josef die karwag vlug skoon weg daarvan en staan so 50 meter in 'n noordelike rigting weg.
"My ore kan dit nie hanteer nie meneer.." kla hy en hou sy kop vas.

'n paar kitaarspeler speel by die Absa OTM' s. Studente trek geld so tussen hulle deur.

Die Wimpy is 24 uur oop en ek sit nou hier en drink rooibostee met suurlemoen en heuning. Dis nou 01h00 en die Wimpy sit nog met 'n klompie studente. Al die ander kuierplekke is nog vol. Daar is seker maklik 300 karre nog hier op die Bult.

Ek dink dis tyd om te gaan slaap.

Oppad terug Paljas Backpackers toe merk ek weer 'n giftige plastiek vuur by dieselfde plek op en neem vinnig die foto. Ons bel vir Ismael by die brandweer, om die 1h30 Sondag 18 Mei 2014. Kom ons kyk wat gebeur. Gaan hulle uitkom of nie. Hy sou ons terug bel. 

Ismael het nie terug gebel nie. 

Intussen sit die polisie 'n paar meter verder en doen niks aan die saak nie. 

Ai toggie. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014